Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The rantings and ramblings of Holly on Tuesday evening.

It is a great evening here at home. Nice and quiet. It actually has only been Kylan and I since about 4:00 this afternoon. Race finally just got home and Chandler is at work and Hunter is performing in a concert at the Mesa Arts Center. Yes, I should be there, but I was gone all last evening and I just couldn't leave the kids alone. Plus, we already attended a concert with the same songs just last week. That is my justification.

Good news, I finished school last Wednesday the 8th, on time. I now have to take my state board written and practical test, but that isn't until November 10th. I now need to figure out how to make it pay off. I need a real job. Anyone out there know a good plastic surgeon in dire need of a new esthetician with a certification in laseography and amazing at permanent makeup?? Just wondering!!

I spent the evening actually weighing meat in 100 gram increments and then bagging for the freezer. I am starting a crazy diet tomorrow and if all goes well I will let all know how it worked for me. Until then, mums the word!!

...I just returned from a mini class on family preparedness and boy do I feel completely unprepared. Not only do I need to get a job, I need to get a garden started, and get my 30 days of meals planned and my year supply in...wow. I guess a little at a time, one foot in front of the other. I'm mentally and physically exhausted and am off to bed!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Good Morning Beautiful

Well, this is definitely a first for me. I have been reading a few blogs over that last month or so and finally decided that maybe now was a great time for me to give it a try. Of course, my daughter Chandler told me that maybe starting this after I'm finished with school would be a good idea too...well, I don't always listen to good advice. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Yes, I did say school. I started Esthetician school back in May and am scheduled to be finished on October 8th. YES!! When I am done (assuming that I pass my state boards!) I will be a licensed esthetician and a certified laseographer. I am ready to be done. Only 9 1/2 days of actual school hours left. Yippee!! With this in mind, I just realized that I have to take my last practical examine with the esthetics director of the school tomorrow and my bag is NOT packed. I guess today really was not a great day to start my 1st blog. Better get to work.